Statistics & Research about Fenton,MO - Alternatives Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Fenton,MO an area served by Alternatives Insurance

Phone : 636-343-5000

Real estate research for area nearby Alternatives Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Point 145,700 653 5.4
Edmundson 89,000 717 9.7
Roxana 81,100 685 10.1
Bellefontaine Neighbors 87,000 1015 14
Cool Valley 82,500 1065 15.5
Pevely 112,900 498 5.3
Glen Carbon 201,800 893 5.3
OFallon 199,300 934 5.6
Bel-Nor 148,900 1280 10.3
Missouri River 420,100 1017 2.9

Number of whites in places near by Alternatives Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Point 1096
Edmundson 725
Roxana 1512
Bellefontaine Neighbors 2784
Cool Valley 326
Pevely 5263
Glen Carbon 10972
OFallon 70221
Bel-Nor 710
Missouri River 30819
Stookey 8696
Festus 10729
St. Louis 141594
Crystal Lake Park 517
Olivette 5112

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Alternatives Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Point 370
Edmundson 245
Roxana 178
Bellefontaine Neighbors 2061
Cool Valley 262
Pevely 1181
Glen Carbon 2171
OFallon 13104
Bel-Nor 335
Missouri River 3855
Stookey 2012
Festus 2360
St. Louis 36477
Crystal Lake Park 105
Olivette 1688

Number of new houses in places near by Alternatives Insurance

Place name Number of new houses
OFallon 230300
Missouri River 1000001

Number of blacks in places near by Alternatives Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Point 2
Edmundson 274
Roxana 24
Bellefontaine Neighbors 7707
Cool Valley 936
Pevely 73
Glen Carbon 1477
OFallon 4358
Bel-Nor 647
Missouri River 758
Stookey 979
Festus 342
St. Louis 155916
Crystal Lake Park 22
Olivette 1460