Statistics & Research about Bridgeton,MO - Digiacomo Ins Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Bridgeton,MO an area served by Digiacomo Ins Agency Inc

Phone : 314-264-5365

Car dealers nearby Digiacomo Ins Agency Inc

All Star Chrysler Dodge Jeep

Phone: (314) 291-2050

Real estate research for area nearby Digiacomo Ins Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Alton 85,000 694 9.8
Breckenridge Hills 79,600 795 12.0
Harvester 201,700 999 5.9
Grantwood Village 330,200 2000 7.3
LaBarque Creek 307900 NA NA
Warson Woods 365,200 1500 4.9
Crestwood 188,800 871 5.5
Byrnes Mill 165,000 559 4.1
Queeny 206,300 904 5.3
Charlack 87,700 815 11.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Digiacomo Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Alton 4856
Breckenridge Hills 742
Harvester 553
Grantwood Village 27
LaBarque Creek 136
Warson Woods 41
Crestwood 785
Byrnes Mill 234
Queeny 4695
Charlack 340
Lake St. Louis 2514
St. Ann 2914
Maryville 537
Airport 7314
Monroe 749

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Digiacomo Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Alton 129500
Harvester 240300
LaBarque Creek 363800
Warson Woods 750000
Crestwood 424300
Byrnes Mill 234400
Queeny 297100
Lake St. Louis 242500
St. Ann 164400
Maryville 250700
Airport 235500
Monroe 160900

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Digiacomo Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Alton 4566
Breckenridge Hills 892
Harvester 4311
Grantwood Village 190
LaBarque Creek 322
Warson Woods 333
Crestwood 3076
Byrnes Mill 655
Queeny 5773
Charlack 175
Lake St. Louis 4403
St. Ann 1738
Maryville 1437
Airport 5691
Monroe 2631

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Digiacomo Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Alton 62600
Harvester 217000
Grantwood Village 375000
LaBarque Creek 325800
Crestwood 355200
Byrnes Mill 31600
Queeny 216800
Lake St. Louis 212100
St. Ann 222100
Maryville 190200
Airport 242200
Monroe 155900