Statistics & Research about Chesterfield,MO - Thomas Insurance Advisors Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Chesterfield,MO an area served by Thomas Insurance Advisors Llc

Phone : (636) 536-2229

Real estate research for area nearby Thomas Insurance Advisors Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Clayton 353,000 994 3.4
Venice 52,300 692 15.9
Town and Country 669,800 1188 2.1
Hazelwood 120,200 752 7.5
Ellisville 223,100 1277 6.9
Midland 97,800 784 9.6
Jefferson County 154,200 721 5.6
West Alton 128,000 1025 9.6
Bel-Ridge 68,800 634 11.1
Josephville 220,800 629 3.4

Number of new houses in places near by Thomas Insurance Advisors Llc

Place name Number of new houses
Clayton 1000001
Town and Country 1000001
Jefferson County 234600
Windsor 39200

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Thomas Insurance Advisors Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Clayton 433100
Venice 52600
Town and Country 569800
Hazelwood 113600
Ellisville 206000
Midland 102900
Jefferson County 134000
West Alton 128100
Bel-Ridge 66800
Josephville 165600
Pontoon Beach 83800
Hillsboro 128800
Windsor 148500
Byrnes Mill 161500

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Thomas Insurance Advisors Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Clayton 5413
Venice 1044
Town and Country 670
Hazelwood 5439
Ellisville 1579
Midland 5693
Jefferson County 46679
West Alton 186
Bel-Ridge 444
Josephville 96
Pontoon Beach 1528
Hillsboro 542
Windsor 5042
Byrnes Mill 655
Flordell Hills 110

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Thomas Insurance Advisors Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Clayton 3207
Venice 223
Town and Country 1725
Hazelwood 1189
Ellisville 1038
Midland 1214
Jefferson County 12955
West Alton 23
Bel-Ridge 107
Josephville 38
Pontoon Beach 132
Hillsboro 99
Windsor 1328
Byrnes Mill 148